Julia Fullerton-Batten

Simon ©Julia Fullerton Batten
Simon ©Julia Fullerton Batten


Over the last few days I have enjoyed exploring the work of Julia Fullerton-Batten whose broad range of photographic work have earned her a justified international reputation. The photograph above is from anew series of work ‘Unadorned’ which brings a Renaissance sensibility to pictures of people who fall outside today’s stereotypes of ‘beautiful’. Ironically, many of them would have been sought after models in Renaissance times. Each of the photographs in the series combines an immediate visual richness with multiple clues to a hidden narrative which the viewer can develop for themselves. The photographs have a richness and sensuality which draws you in.

Bedroom Fall ©Julia Fullerton-Batten
Bedroom Fall ©Julia Fullerton-Batten


Fullerton-Smith first made her reputation with a number of photographic series exploring girl’s teenage years. Bedroom Fall pictured above is one example from this series, perhaps highlighting that mix of excitement and confusion which is what being a teenager is about.

There is an excellent website featuring a large quantity of work and if you like what you see here and are interested in progressive contemporary photography I suggest it is well worth a visit.